Dear spiritual teenager,

I write to you today because necessity is laid upon me to do so.
What a great joy to see you burn with fervency for the king and the kingdom.

I can see how totally yielded you are to the things of the master.
You have clearly created a divide between kingdom lifestyle and the world in which you journey through.
Your angelic tongue and consistent spit of “rhema” is adorable!

I will that you continue in this and abound much more in it – O! How it saddens the enemy to see young ones burn for the king and the kingdom of the most High God.

The Lord God almighty en-grace you daily not to relent or entangle yourself with the affairs of this world where you pilgrim in or look back after putting your hand on this plough – lest the master lose His delight in you! God forbid!

May I bring to your notice of a company of fools springing up in most worship places around you must avoid.

Remember Proverbs 13:20 that says… He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed?

There is a company of fools fast springing up in certain spiritual places typically characterized by having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof (2Tim. 3:2)- from such you must turn away from.

They never miss fellowships, in fact -they are in every spiritual gathering (be it concerts, crusade, prayer meetings, rehearsals,all night, picnics etc) but they are a mix multitude!

They are always shouting fire, blood of Jesus and singing angelic tongues because they have hung around the fellowship of such for too long and the form has rubbed on them but without the real encounter with power of God- no wonder they still fornicate in the secret, masturbate at will, lie freely, keep malice, they are full of disrespect, arrogance and pride, some even prophecy and yet the work of the flesh is still fully at work in their lives because they are yet to “allow” and “encounter” the power that frees men from such bondage notwithstanding that they have form of godliness!

Having a form of godliness does not free you from youthful lust. It is truly getting to know God personally in the place of fellowship (via a studious lifestyle -2 Tim. 2:15, a fasted life and a life of prayer – Matt. 17:21) with the help of the Holy Spirit that you encounter raw Holy power to stand against the wiles of the wicked (Eph. 6:11) , where the eyes of your understanding is enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in you (Eph.1:8). It is then that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, will give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Eph. 1:17) – only then will your light so shine before men for them to see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven(Matt. 5:16).

So, I say to you again, do not company with fools that have the form of godliness but deny the power thereof.

If you are among such or you are one of such – then you must turn to God today and start anew!

You need to intentionally develop a constant and consistent fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit as a lifestyle as I have explained above!
Receive such grace now in the name of Jesus.

If you have read this letter and feel you are already standing – let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls!

But if you have read this letter and you feel in your heart that you need to start anew, then say this prayer after me….

….”Dear Lord, have mercy upon me. I’m a sinner. I now recognize my inabilities to walk right in thy sight all alone by myself. I believe you sent your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross of Calvary for my sins and resurrected on third day for my salvation and redemption. I accept Him as my Lord and personal saviour today. Come into my life sweet Holy Spirit and take your place. thank you Jesus for I am saved today!

Grow and flourish in the vineyard of the master in Jesus name.

It’s from me with love,
Your chaplain,



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