
Pain, agony, discomfort, emergencies,the rush and sometimes wailing for losing a loved one, that particular stench that romances the air, sight of blood, sorry looking faces and yet cries of joy for the new born babies, smiles that lit the faces of those who escaped death by the care, love and antidotes they received in there…the hospital versus the church!!!
Jesus speaking in Mark 2:17 said… they that are whole have no need for physician,but they that are sick…
So just as the sick runs to the hospital to seek the help of the physician so also many sick folks run to church to seek for divine healing and health from the greatest physician – Jesus!
Have you not wondered why the church that’s suppose to be a holy ground and a mount where there’s deliverance; still harbours many who are sick spiritually,sick in their attitude/character, sick in their relationships,sick in their finances, sick in their family life and marriages, sick in their careers,some mentally sick and much!!!
I have seen and heard of fornication among the youths,adultery among the married(more shocking,among ordained workers), back biting, slander, betrayal of trust,malice keeping, many as such happening in the church and you wonder, is this the church?!
If you have come to ask yourself this question, and you are struggling with your faith in God, thinking of wether to stay in church or leave,then you need to know that the church is much more like an hospital and that we have a lot of patients the great physician is attending to.

Matthew 11:28 says come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest…this is why you see all manner in church.
Obadiah 1:17 says but upon mount Zion shall be deliverance, and there shall be holiness; and the house of Jacob shall possess their possessions. and Matthew 9:35 says… And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.
All this patients are provided with and have direct access to divine healing and divine health but yet a lot of them lay sick in the church just like the man at the pool of Bathsaida.
This sick folks in church have consciously or unconsciously refused to access healing for their ailling soul!
They have refused to take their daily dosage(the word) that is able to heal and keep healthy! Psalms 107:20 says… He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.
They have refused to exercise their spirit man (1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things…) by praying,fasting and practicing covenant demands for health such as righteous living, loving others and letting go of strife and so on.
You see, until the sick ones are shown love by others in the church,they may remain sick forever and until they personally and consciously access health packages in scriptures and fully walk in the knowledge of it, their sickness will be recurrent!
The church is sick!
The church needs healing!
There are so many prescriptions for total health in the bible. The church must pick its bible,open it and eat it(study and meditate on it) and beginning to live like Jesus who was healthy spirit,soul and body and who went about doing good,healing all that was oppressed of the devil instead of the ones infecting the world with sickness!
Let the church be mount Zion, let it be a place where the balm in Gilead is fully operational.
The church is you.
Are you whole or sick?!
Jesus is the healer!
Jesus is Lord!

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